For the better health of you and your baby

Wendy Miller by Wendy Miller
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You know that the more information you have about pregnancy, the easier pregnancy-tips-have-healthy-Smart-Baby-informationit will be to keep yourself on the right track for the better health of you and your baby.

There is no mystery about using common sense and practical ideas to make this happen. Try some of these tips to start off right.

Create a birth plan

Having a written document that expresses your wishes for your delivery will help the medical professionals involved understand what you want your experience to be like. Include things like who should be present at the birth and what procedures you want to stay away from during the delivery.

Stop Smoking

One of the best things that you can do in order to have a healthy pregnancy is to stop smoking. It might be hard at first, but this will enable you to have a very healthy baby. There are many programs out there that can help you to get rid of this very bad addiction.

Nutritional Needs

Expecting mothers would be wise if they took the advice of taking a daily prenatal vitamin. In fact, most doctors prescribe them for expecting mothers! This is because your child has nutritional needs that often times due to the nature of pregnancy cravings are not met. This makes sure they get the nutrition they need.

Dealing with Heartburns

When pregnant, avoid reclining after a meal. This can help your prevent heartburn. If you experience heartburn, you should sleep with your head elevated by pillows. Try to avoid foods that are spicy, acidic, or fried. These can be the main causes for heartburn during pregnancy. Those types of foods can also worsen your heartburn.

Avoiding Stress

During your pregnancy it is important to get a full nights rest. Stress can be a major cause of not being able to sleep. If you are feeling stressed, find someone that you can talk to about the problems that you are having. Pregnancy can be a stressful thing and you should always talk about the things that are causing you stress.

Back pain remedies: Benefits of Pelvic Tilts 

Learn how to do pelvic tilts and use them as you get into late pregnancy. They are a lifesaver for the back pain that will start as you get further along in your pregnancy. As an extra added benefit, they also help the baby work its way into an optimum birthing position.

Share Experiences: Journal or Pregnancy Blog

Start a journal or a pregnancy blog and post this online. Sharing your experiences can be very beneficial as the people who are reading your blog can offer you advice that is unique to your stage in pregnancy. Also, this will give you documentation of how you felt during each step of the process.

Prescription drugs Safety Check

Make sure the prescription drugs you are taking are not dangerous to the health of your baby. Every prescription drug on the market has a "pregnancy class" that tells you whether the drug is safe to take during pregnancy. If you are taking a drug that is unsafe for pregnant women, ask your doctor about alternatives. Most drugs have one or more.

Enroll in Childbirth Class

Enroll in a class that goes over everything related to childbirth. Register for a space in the class as soon as possible; otherwise, it may fill up. Breastfeeding classes are another great idea. These two classes can teach you everything you need to know about pregnancy.

Preparation For Hospital Delivery

Be prepared for the hospital keep an old towel and a plastic bag in your car just in case your water breaks on the way to the hospital. Pack a robe for pacing the hospital halls, as well as nonskid slipper socks. Fill a small bag with electronics, such as an iPod for music and a still-photo and video camera. You will also need your insurance card, toiletries and a going home outfit for you and the baby. Staying prepared ensures this stressful time is easier, and keeps your emotions on a more even keel.

As you can see from the practical ideas and common sense advice in the article above, there is no mystery about what you can do right now to make your pregnancy the very best time for you and your baby. They will keep you on track so you can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying these exciting nine months.

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Last modified onTuesday, 18 February 2014 17:14
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