Dental Care For Expectant Mothers And Babies

William Huynh by William Huynh
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pregnancy and oral healthIf you're an expectant mother you should be taking all the necessary steps to ensure you have a health pregnancy. Prenatal care, an exercise plan and a proper diet will go a long way in this. However, you must take another step and pay special attention to your dental health. Dental health is related to your overall health and even that of your fetus. It is crucial to take care of your teeth during pregnancy. This is primarily because

the changes in your body may create dental complications, making your susceptible to certain ailments.

Dental problems

Women undergo various changes during pregnancy, which puts them at a higher risk of getting dental issues. Variations in hormonal levels tend to increase blood flow especially in the gums. What this does is that it feeds dental plaque and therefore promotes gum disease and tooth decay. There are several other conditions you should be on the lookout for during pregnancy. Ensure that you discuss this with your dentist and prenatal doctor.

Pregnancy gingivitis

Gingivitis is one of the most common ailments during pregnancy. This condition causes swollen and red gums and some women experience bleeding and tenderness.Pregnancy gingivitis is common; statistics indicate that 50 percent of women experience it. However, proper oral hygiene can help reduce the risk of gingivitis during pregnancy.

Periodontal disease

If not dealt with properly, pregnancy gingivitis could quickly develop into periodontal disease. This infection destroys the gums and might pose an even greater risk for the expectant mother. In severe cases, the infection enters the blood stream and the body is forced to release chemicals to fight it, which could induce early labor. Studies indicate a strong correlation between gum disease and prematurity as well as low birth weight. Dental infections have also been known to cause miscarriages.

Pregnancy tumors

Due to the irritation caused by conditions such as dental plaque, gingivitis and pregnancy tumors, noncancerous growths may appear on the gums. These are often harmless and go away after birth. However, if you experience any pain or discomfort, you should consult with your dentist.

Oral health

Part of your prenatal care should include a proper dental hygiene regimen. Ensure that you brush your teeth thoroughly at least two times a day and if possible, after every meal. In addition, use dental floss on a daily basis to get rid of dental plaque.importance of oral hygiene / dental care during pregnancy

Women who experience morning sickness and vomiting should rinse out their mouths with water. This helps to neutralize stomach acid, which can destroy the enamel in teeth. It is also advisable to wait a while before you drink, eat or brush your teeth. The abrasive materials found in toothpaste and acidic foods can damage the teeth further. Remember that frequent vomiting also weakens the teeth and it is wise to get plenty of air when you feel nauseated.

A proper diet is also essential in maintaining proper oral hygiene. Avoid sugary snacks and get plenty of vitamin C, B12 and calcium. All these will go a long way in reducing your chances of developing dental problems.


Proper oral healthcare is important for expectant mothers. To get proper treatment and advice, visit .

Last modified onFriday, 21 March 2014 19:16
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